Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Letter Perfect

Fourth graders are being introduced to calligraphy -- the art of beautiful writing. They are using calligraphy pens with india ink. The font we are learning is a Celtic font to go along with our unit on Celtic Art and culture. The kids are doing a fantastic job!

The trick to calligraphy is to keep the pen in the same position no matter what. If you learn the strokes, you can't go wrong. First everyone did a "practice page" of the letters in their name. Then, our goal was to practice our name until we had one we were really happy with. It will be added to the Celtic Knot project next week.


Paul Bozzo said...

Seeing is believing. Nice results, someone must have been doing a great teaching job!

Anonymous said...

Great job Jared! Your calligraphy looks wonderful! I just sent this page to all of our family and friends to see.