Monday, April 6, 2009

Making Macquettes

In our recent artist visit, we learned how artists sometimes make macquettes, or statues they use for reference when drawing. Some art classes are making their own macquettes.

Third graders are using plasticene, or modelling clay to make temporary models of dinosaurs to use while drawing. Caden Williams made the beautiful dimetrodon below.

Brittany Hovan got very creative with a rider and saddle.
Fourth graders are using clay to make imagainary animals. This is how we do it. First we go to the box of wildlife cards. We close our eyes and pick two cards. The assignment is to make a model of an imaginary animal that has some characteristics of both animals.
While we work, we use the wildlife cards as reference.

These will be dried and then fired. Next week we'll add color to them.

Fourth graders are using clay to make imagainary animals. This is how we do it. First we go to the box of wildlife cards. We close our eyes and pick two cards. The assignment is to make a model of an imaginary animal that has some characteristics of both animals.

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